Reality of an IVF clinic


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Aug 03, 2023

Reality of an IVF clinic

Mirror reporter Julia Banim visited Manchester Fertility Clinic to learn what goes into making so many people's dreams of starting a family of their own come true Through the screen of the

Mirror reporter Julia Banim visited Manchester Fertility Clinic to learn what goes into making so many people's dreams of starting a family of their own come true

Through the screen of the embryoscope, I watch, awestruck, as I'm shown timelapse footage of a fertilised egg multiplying over a series of days. I'm told it's no bigger than the tiniest dot of a pen.

I'm in the embryology lab at Manchester Fertility Clinic, where so many families have been started over the years through the extraordinary advances of in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

As an outsider, the lab feels nothing short of miraculous, and I find myself holding my breath as an embryologist carefully opens an incubator and slides in a dish - not a test tube these days - containing the earliest stirrings of potential human life

According to senior embryologist Keith McEvoy, any "God complex" feelings team members feel early on soon vanish as they settle into their work, with a steady stream of human eggs to be collected and fertilised, as well as hopeful patients to care for.

It's far from a cold, clinical environment, however, and Dr Helen Hunter, head of laboratory, explained that the team endeavour to never make their work feel routine, knowing full well how out of the ordinary the process will no doubt feel for their patients. The personal significance of the material they're dealing with is never far from their minds.

Dr Helen Hunter told the Mirror: "There's a lot of humanity and a lot of warmth and a lot of empathy and general sort of care for what we're doing.

"We don't think of them as just cells, we think of them as embryos. And we have a bit of a protection thing, where you don't think of them as babies, because that's, for us, we know it's a very long way from that little embryo to an actual baby.

"There's a long, long journey, with lots of pitfalls and things that can go wrong between here and there. But they're not just cells growing in a dish."

The changes Dr Helen has seen across her lengthy career have been staggering. Born just eight years before the 1978 birth of the first 'test tube baby' Louise Brown, the role of an embryologist wasn't something that career advisors would even discuss when she was in school.

It wasn't until Dr Helen was studying for her masters degree in biomedical science that she realised it was the field for her, after conducting a research project on how to improve the way eggs stick to the lining of the mother's womb.

Dr Helen, who recently celebrated her 53rd birthday, found that this career path perfectly married together her love of science, and people, and hasn't looked back since.

A relative "newbie" at Manchester Fertility Clinic, Dr Helen took up her latest position back in April, leading scientists working in embryology and andrology teams, and overseeing the day-to-day running of the labs.

Mornings at the clinic are especially busy. The first jobs usually involve examining eggs collected from the day before, checking for signs of fertilisation. Years ago, embryologists would have had to remove the tiny specimen from the incubator to examine it under the microscope, before putting it back once more, but the embryoscope has simplified things.

Checking over the eggs is Dr Helen's favourite part of the job, a process she likens to "unwrapping a little parcel". Once signs of fertilisation have been detected, they'll reach out to the patients to let them know.

They'll then keep the patients informed right up until day five of fertilisation, by which point, all being well, they'll hopefully be able to transfer the embryo to the mother's womb.

Another important morning task involves examining embryos of patients coming in later that day for their transfer, selecting the "best quality embryos" with the assistance of computer programmes, and figuring out whether any would be suitable to freeze.

According to Dr Helen: "We used to put two or three in and think, 'well maybe one of them will stick!' whereas now we're much better at selecting the embryos, so we can put fewer back.

"The success rate has stayed the same, and has even got higher, but the risk of the number of multiple pregnancies has dropped a lot because we're more confident in our selection of which embryo to put back."

Often, a patient will choose to have one embryo transferred, and others frozen for a later date, resulting in a "twins one at a time" situation many initially find difficult to get their head around.

I am allowed a glimpse at the cryobank, where a current combined total of 8,500 sperm, eggs, and embryos are kept frozen in liquid nitrogen, potentially for years. At the time of my visit, a staff member is placing vials of sperm into the tank, releasing a cold, misty blast.

According to Dr Helen, the material can be stored "indefinitely" as biologically it won't "go off". Legally speaking, they can only keep it for 55 years, however, a number that was recently raised from just 10 years.

People are becoming more comfortable with the idea of freezing, but there still are misconceptions. During a talk at her daughter's primary school, she found herself comforting a little boy who had been conceived this way and was concerned about how safe it was.

Dr Helen recalled: "I said to him, there's been lots of research around the world, and we've followed up children like you but from a little while ago and they're all grown-ups now, so we know that they're okay.

"It's obviously something that had worried him because his parents had told him, and he didn't want to ask them because he didn't want to make them sad."

The team will also need to prepare patients for their egg collection, with collections beginning at around 8 am. This marks the end of a lengthy process for patients, who will have had injections for two weeks beforehand to help their eggs "grow and ripen in their ovaries".

At the time of my visit, there is a patient in the adjacent room, and I feel a nervous crackle of excitement for them. The embryologists however remain calm, cheerful, and professional as they go from task to task.

According to Dr Helen, they treat "all sorts" of patients, meaning that no two days are the same. Although all are important to her, there's a particular joy when patients who've been trying for a long time get the results they've been wishing for.

She explained: "Sometimes people pass through very quickly, they come in, they have their treatment, it's all fine, they have their baby and off they go. Actually, that's the dream, but then you don't get the chance to know them, and the ones that struggle are the ones that you get to know, and remember, and that's the ones that are a bit sweeter really."

The patients from early on in her career also stick out in her memory, including one "very posh" woman who exclaimed that she knew she was pregnant because her horse wouldn't stop following her around.

Name-wise, there have been a few baby Hopes and Joys along the way. Although Helen hasn't heard of any babies being named after her, senior embryologist Keith has had some near-honours in this area.

One patient even named her bump after him right through her pregnancy, although the baby eventually turned out to be a little girl. Another parent bought her child a jokey babygro that read "My first babysitter was an embryologist called Keith".

Usually, patients won't get the chance to get to know the lab teams, dealing more with nurses and other staff members on the clinic team.

When walking through this area of the building, you get an overwhelming sense of anticipation, particularly as you pass patients seated in the waiting area or heading down corridors into treatment rooms.

Around one in six couples will struggle to conceive, according to Dr Helen, but it's an issue that all too often goes undiscussed outside the clinic walls.

It's easy to forget the individual stories of IVF, but the nervous, hopeful faces bring home the countless unique experiences behind the figures.

Fertilisation takes place in the afternoon, either through conventional IVF or through a process known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), whereby sperm is picked up with a needle and directly injected into the egg.

This method, which was just becoming routine in the Nineties when Dr Helen was still training, can be effective if the team believe the sperm won't be strong enough to swim to the egg on its own. Prior to this development, couples would have had no choice but to use donor sperm.

The dish is then left overnight, ready for morning inspection. In the best possible scenario, fertilisation and transfer will go well, and the patients will only return to the clinic with a baby in their arms. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, and there may be difficult phone calls to make, for example, if embryos haven't developed properly.

Dr Helen said: "When you first start, you feel everything very deeply, and as you move through your own experiences of having a family or whatever, there are certain times when it is very close to home and other times when you can manage it more.

"Part of my job as a leader is to kind of know where people are in that journey as well, as to sort of manage that a bit carefully. So if you know somebody is maybe having trouble themselves, you would maybe watch them a bit more closely, or have them step back from making some more difficult conversations.

"But the good things carry you through the bad things. Sometimes you can have a terrible day, and then you'll get a phone call from reception that someone has brought their baby in, and we're like, 'Oh that's just what we needed!' and we all go and have a little squidge."

On this particular day, Keith managed to inject five eggs, which he shows me through the embryoscope. The tiny "white, shiny" dot of sperm is barely visible, but once you spot it, it's remarkable.

Keith, who has previously injected eight eggs in a day, says that people often underestimate just how difficult the work actually is, requiring a great deal of mental strength, attention to detail, and a fair bit of dexterity. I held out my own hand to see if I was dexterous enough, but Keith understandably wasn't quite convinced by my efforts.

Going forward, Keith believes artificial intelligence heralds the next major change in IVF technology, giving embryologists "more information about the quality of sperm, eggs, and embryos". Although he says it's more about "assisting than replacing at the moment", he added that his "days are numbered".

Keith predicted: "Maybe in 20 years, we'll move to robotics. The next ten years will probably involve AI assisting us, and eventually, we'll transition to AI doing things for us."

I leave Manchester Fertility Clinic feeling a sense of quiet wonder at the way in developments in science have enriched and illuminated so many lives, in a way that previous generations couldn't have imagined.

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